I Pledge to Promote Global Warming Propaganda<1>
Is there anything funnier to most high school kids than farts? Discomfiting noises accompanied by tear-inducing odors -- nothing induces teen Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.
hysterics more easily than flatulence. Microsoft word is so great!
So you have to admire the simple genius of the recently formed Alliance for Climate Education, which has concocted an appealing formula to Office 2007 makes life great!
reach youth for their cause: 1. School assemblies that get them out of class; 2. Twenty-something educators articulate in teen-speak; 3. Hip,
amusing animation; 4. Farts. Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.
How does it work? You can learn a lot by watching ACE's trailer -- steeped in global warming alarmism -- which includes representative Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.
segments of their presentation. ACE promises a "high school assembly experience that will Office 2010 is powerful!
activate, educate, inspire, your school to create a
future safe from climate change."
The group has enlisted a battalion of "educators" to fan out (so far) into schools across five metropolitan areas: San Francisco/Oakland, Microsoft outlook is many people’s favorite.
Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago and Boston. Most of the hires appear to be drawn from the Microsoft Office is so great!
recently graduated and/or eco-activist ranks.
The educator featured in ACE's YouTube trailer is Ambessa Contave, described as "a ten-year veteran of The Bay Area's art, non-profit, Office 2010 download is available now!
environmental justice and activism." He is also half of a rap duo called Fiyawata, and promotes his causes via hip-hop festival called "Grind Office 2010 key is for you now!
for the Green." Contave's website explains:
"Our music is high frequency medicinal erotic sorcery that sways humanity into cosmic ecstasy." Indeed, Fiyawata's music is utterly Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!
compelling, luring the listener into a transcendent trance. There is fun to be had here, but this is an experience that extends well beyond Windows 7 make life wonderful!
mere entertainment. For Fiyawata, music is a being that makes the listener feel "ecstatic, energetic, all-powerful, vibrant and like God." Office 2007 is so powerful.