Obama as Diocletian(2)
The tax system was so extensive and corrupt that it resembled the Beatles song "Tax Man" (a satirical take on the post-World War II British welfare state). Considering its primitive non-tech methods, it efficiently taxed everybody: farmers, merchants, and artisans.Microsoft word is so great!
Diocletian was analogous to a surgeon who extends the life of a patient in old age. But the tax system made Rome a totalitarian state at the expense of the rights that Roman citizens had enjoyed Office 2007 makes life great!
since the days of the Republic. There were restrictive laws forbidding the changing of occupations, and businesses were taken over and land was confiscated in lieu of taxes. There were penalties as severe as death for deviations from this system.
All incentive for entrepreneurial activity was stifled. This gave rise to a black market economy for goods and services. And so the empire endured with massive resources extracted from the people Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.
to sustain it. The empire went on without the support of the populace, and its final dissolution was hardly noticed by the average Roman, who was really not a Roman at all in the classical sense.
In third century Rome there was no welfare state per se, other than the occasional free distribution Office 2010 is powerful!
of grain in times of local famine, war, plague and other hardships. Hordes of slaves populated the estates of the Roman aristocracy. Young unpropertied men lacking employment ironically joined the army for 20-year terms in order to survive economically. Then in times of war and political anarchy, the trick was to survive -- period. Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.
Much of the tax revenue went to the army, those thousands of men in the legions garrisoned in the far flung corners of the empire. For the emperors of Late Antiquity to neglect the legions was to Microsoft Office is so great!
put in jeopardy their political futures, that is, their lives. In ancient Rome "the politics of personal destruction" wasn't a metaphor. Diocletian might have known of his predecessor Septimus Severus' (193-211) deathbed advice to his son Caracalla (211-218): "Pay the soldiers. The rest of it will take care of itself." Another irony is that the legions in the provinces were increasingly staffed by those same barbarians putting pressure on the borders.Office 2010 key is for you now!
Diocletian's burdensome tax policies added to an already unsteady state of affairs. The subsequent Fourth Century saw one last noteworthy emperor early on in Constantine (311-337). After that it Office 2010 download is available now!
was back to imperial instability and anarchy. Scholars argue whether Constantine's toleration of the three centuries old Christian Church (he was baptized on his deathbed) contributed to the empire's demise. And the geopolitical pressures exerted by the barbarians on the frontiers in Windows 7 make life wonderful!
Northern Europe were certainly a permanent demographic problem. But Diocletian's fiscal policies spawned Rome's economic ruin. The empire simply could not endure if governed by weak Microsoft outlook is many people’s favorite.
emperors serving at the pleasure of the army, an impotent Senate, a decadent aristocracy, tax collectors and bureaucrats. The Fifth Century saw the strife of the Third Century writ large, and the barbarian hosts finally showed up and burned the libraries and knocked down the statues.Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!
America has no private armies or barbarian tribes crisscrossing the landscape committing murder and mayhem (the media smears of the Tea Party notwithstanding). But our economic malaise has its antecedents in antiquity. Will we learn from those mistakes?