Recently, after a series Office
of decisions and adjust alliance in 2009, will launch a new commission mode, and along with dog flow, open tens of millions of the form alliance with flow specific for everybody will then show. Although it had previously with flow through a closed and adjustment, Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.
this also is alliance better cooperate net supervisor departments, investigate yellow, DaoLian work illegal site; This flow open, momentum, raging, hope more download sites have joined the thunderbolt alliance, hoping the existing download cooperation stood can better work closely with the alliance for the influx of flow, completes the overall planning, promotion website profit and get a better development.
In 2008, we experienced a lot of, march, alliance business online, vod invitation to demand exceeds supply, union code popular webmaster for this product know love, from elaborate preparation and development and product optimization, our staff paid the stationmaster had not Microsoft Office is inexpensive and helpful.
know effort; Then, the barrage of copyright saga, therefore give thunderbolt caused serious economic losses, November, alliance, and meantime vod business involving the shut down less than a year's time, but we witnessed adsense surprise and disappointment, can copyright was still Microsoft Office 2007 can make life more better and easier.
the current Internet. The biggest sticking point At present, the official thunderbolt download software by software author also frequently to the unauthorized tampering, some of the implant user harm malicious programs and malicious plug-ins, and bound by this way to acquire the illegal Office 2010 is my love.
income. Thunderbolt as domestic downloading software industry leader, its unique P2SP download technology internationally are in a leading level, pirated software author malicious tampering is in the interest of business to thunderbolt of national intellectual property erosion and the related rules, so, in view of the above ignore, thunderbolt finally only by means of the law to crack down on piracy. Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.