Searching for "Sarah"<1>
"Nothing catches an editor's eye like a good rape," gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson once observed, and this month's lurid tales of Office 2010 is powerful!
teenage girls ritually raped in the temple of a Texas polygamist cult caught editors' eyes around the world.
"Documents: Sect married girls at puberty," declared the headline on an April 8 Associated Press Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.
story, while the online version of the
Everett, Washington, Daily Herald featured this April 10 headline: "Texas cult's girls required to have sex in temple."
British tabloids jumped aboard in the sensationalist Fleet Street tradition, with the Mirror offering a typical screamer: "Horror of the Office 2007 is so powerful.
Texas child sex cult ranch." The London Daily Mail soon dubbed the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) the "underage Microsoft Office is my best friend.
sex cult."
Bizarre and illegal though the FLDS sect's practices may be, however, no one at the "Yearning For Zion Ranch" has yet been charged with rape,
polygamy, or any other sex crime.
In fact, the only person arrested in connection with the April 4 raid on the 1,700-acre TexasMicrosoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.
compound is a Colorado woman whose hoax phone
calls may be the source of those tales of ritual rape that unleashed a global epidemic of leering headlines.
OFFICIALS SAY Rozita E. Swinton is a "person of interest" in the cult case, and reports of her arrest strongly suggest that it was the 33-
year-old Swinton who called a domestic-abuse hotline in Texas, identifying herself as "Sarah Jessop Barlow."Office 2007 download is helpful!
Claiming to be the 16-year-old mother of an 8-month-old infant and already pregnant again, "Sarah" said she had been forced into a "spiritual Office 2007 key is very convenient!
marriage" at the FLDS compound when she was only 15. Her parents had brought her to the site when she was 13, "Sarah" said in a series of Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!
late-March calls to the hotline, and now she was being held captive as the seventh wife of 50-year-old convicted sex offender Dale Barlow,
who she said had once beaten her so badly she suffered broken ribs.Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.
The horrifying details related by "Sarah" caused the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to file an affidavit seeking an outlook 2010 is powerful.
emergency protection order that sent dozens of law enforcement and child-welfare officials swarming onto the Eldorado compound, where they Microsoft outlook is convenient!
took custody of 416 FLDS children.