Searching for "Sarah"<2>

2010-11-27 08:49


Four days later, the San Angelo Standard-Times obtained the affidavit, which was then posted online at, and "Sarah"

instantly became the world's most famous victim of polygamy.Microsoft word is so great!

Even as the brutalized teen's plight was sparking salacious tabloid stories and relentless cable TV coverage, Texas officials were

discovering another problem with Sarah Jessop Barlow: She apparently doesn't exist.Office 2007 makes life great!

MORE THAN TWO weeks after the Eldorado raid, authorities have been unable to identify any such person at the FLDS site -- although they

reportedly were desperate to find her. "They are trying to pin it on anybody named Sarah," one of the women at the Yearning For Zion Ranch

told the Salt Lake Tribune.Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

Several young women named Sarah lived at the ranch, the woman said, and the Texas officials Office 2010 is powerful!

interviewed them all in a vain effort to find one

who matched the "Sarah" who called the hotline. "They find out and then let them go, then grab another one and try to find out and they let

them go....There is just not a Sarah that fits what they said," the FLDS woman told the newspaper.

Meanwhile, the man who supposedly raped and abused "Sarah" in Texas was actually living in Arizona. Before the raid, officials issued an Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

arrest warrant for Dale Barlow, who served 45 days in jail last year after being charged with sexual misconduct in 2005 for marrying and

impregnating his third wife when she was still 16.Microsoft Office is so great!

But after interviewing Barlow in Arizona on April 12, Texas officials declined to arrest him. Barlow, who is still on probation, told

reporters he hasn't set foot in the Lone Star State since 1977.Office 2010 key is for you now!

ROZITA SWINTON HAS never been a member of the FLDS, and the Colorado woman's known criminal record involves a history of hoax phone calls. Microsoft outlook is many people’s favorite.

When she was arrested last week in connection with the Texas case, Swinton was a fugitive wanted in a Denver suburb.Office 2010 download is available now!

Authorities there say she called an adoption agency in June 2005, threatening to abandon her baby Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

and commit suicide. But there was no baby. Windows 7 make life wonderful!

Swinton has no children, the Denver Post reported, and she later pleaded guilty to filing a false report.Office 2007 is so powerful.