Yesterday, communicationsOffice

2011-05-06 14:22


 equipment giant cisco systems and Microsoft are hoping to obtain "unified communications" (unifiedcommunications) market dominance, therefore, cisco will fully support open source applications platform Linux. Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.


According to foreign media reports, unified communications market covers the entire IP network. In order to ensure that the race do not lose to Microsoft, cisco requires very independent software provider (ISV) help in the 1990s, Microsoft Windows operating system in the development Outlook 2010 is powerful.

process, had hired thousands of independent developers involved in the project.

Held this week in Hawaii cisco development partners summit, cisco announced a carefully prepared statement, this product product called "cisco application expanded platform (AXP)", Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

platform, and Microsoft framework based on Linux by just great threat of Linux. For cisco AXP makes software partners when platform development product becomes more convenient.

Cisco early AXP application partners including Avocent (branch IT architecture management), InterComponentWare (medical health solutions provider), NICE (branch network telephone Microsoft Office 2007 is my love!

recordings), (the public service structure monitoring), (IP payment services), ProSyst (management services), Sagem - Interstar (IP fax services), Verint (branch network telephone recordings), Workbrain (employee management), etc.

April 14, 2007, recently, IBM announced ambitious, within ten years will exterminate its own Office 2007 is so powerful.

invention hard disk.

According to foreign media reports, IBM recently announced in 10 years, strive for the easy fever, have noise, afraid of the traditional hard drive completely eliminate shake. IBM researchers found a new, smaller, lighter, no moving parts storage equipment, and is the subject of further research, reduce the cost.